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Issue 4
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Club Guidelines

This club exists to encourage the comradeship and esprit de corps we had as serving Rockapes and to keep in touch with fellow friends and mates. If we have a laugh on the way, all the better. 
Apart from the set of conditions laid down by Yahoo  It has been necessary to add a few more which are a guide to help the club run smoothly. If you would like question a rule or think one should be added, contact myself or Rabbie.
  • Honour your corps and don't bring into disrepute the Royal Air Force or the Royal Air Force Regiment
  • Do not make fun of or ridicule the Her Majesty the Queen or any member of the Royal family (as other military sites allow on their forums and message boards).
  • Do not post pictures that are too pornographic, remember the lady members, and it could get the club deleted. However material that has appeared in the pin-up album has been OK. 
  • No advertising. A message board or forum is not the place for commercial posts and is not allowed by Yahoo Clubs anyway. Adverts can be included in the Newsletter though. Commercial ads will be deleted.
  • Identify yourself if possible. If you genuinely want to contact your old mates then remaining anonymous is not the way to do it. However any members who do not wish to give any details about themselves have the right to do so as long as they realise that they may be viewed with a certain amount of suspicion by other members, as few people will respond to an anonymous post asking for someone to contact them.
  • Politics and religious issues should be avoided on the message board.
  • Please keep it friendly. If you do want an argument, then do it by e-mail.
  • Do not patronise other members. If you are 'clever' or intellectually advanced (or think you are) we don't want to know unless it is relevant to the club or it's members. Anyone can be a 'smart arse'.
  • When posting messages, spelling, syntax, sentence construction, eloquent language and pedantic use of English is not necessary (in line with normal net etiquette). 
  • Whatever rank you were doesn't matter any more. We are all civilians and whatever a members past rank, his or hers opinion is to be respected.
  • Don't use the message board to criticise the founders. If you want to criticise or complain use the correct facility, as the club is in the public domain.
  • The founders reserve the right (under yahoo club rules) to delete any messages or material which could cause offence and delete any member who causes offence to the founders  or other members, by being abusive, or disrupts the smooth running of the club. Remember, we are civilians!  If you were an NCO or above and and have served with any members of the club and decide to criticise any part of their service publicly (it has happened) then you are in the wrong club.
  • Do not post messages which have sympathy with or openly supports terrorism or specific terrorist groups.
  • Read the Yahoo Club guidelines and if you decide to resign ( for whatever reason) Please leave quietly!
Contributions are always needed for this newsletter, in any form. Any suggestions, criticism or help would be appreciated. If you do want to contribute then send by e-mail to myself or Rabbie plainly titled "for inclusion in the newsletter"
Remember, no one is going to tap you on the shoulder or bellow "That man"!