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The Sun Tuesday September 25 2001

Centre Caption Reads : These are some of the troops on exercise in the Gulf - but ready to join the war on terror at a moment's notice. Around 23,000 troops have massed in Oman in the biggest build-up of British forces since the Falklands conflict. The RAF Regiment soldiers pictured here battled desert sandstorms yesterday during helicopter manoeuvers training. Operation Swift Sword II also involves 19 warships and scores of aircraft. The exercise was planned long ago. But the forces are within striking distance of Afghanistan and their role could change in hours.

News of the World September 30 2001

Blending in with the background? This pic is identical with the one above. Close inspection shows the 'RAF Regiment' flash on the epaulette has been roughly digitally painted over. This is consistent with a busy newsroom and a picture editor who is unable to supply a 'threatening' photo of a Bin Laden terrorist. ("Why be pedantic, just give those suckers (us) what we have".) If in doubt. Make it up!. I have always considered the rockape to be the most versatile of all 'soldiers'  To fight on both sides in a conflict wearing the same uniform is something even the SAS haven't quite mastered yet.
Masked : Bin Laden supporter on film